Sunday, December 25, 2011

All is Calm - All is Bright

It's almost midnight.
Stars light the sky with brilliance.
Gifts opened, bellies full, warm beds call softly.
Traditions march on.
How fortunate we are.
I give thanks for my blessings.

Saturday, August 13, 2011

Been Gone Too Long

Life's been fast forward
San Jose to Washington
Shakespeare in Ashland

My heart's been crying
Over spills and broken bones
A life in twilight

Without permission
Hurt and jubilation rule
Making little sense

I am powerless
Change will have it's way with all
A vessel am I

All the whilst someone
Patiently waits for my heart
Synchronize or not

What will be will be
The future's not ours to see
Que sera sera

Monday, April 18, 2011

Wind Song

by Me

Outside my window bare
limbed trees orchestrate
a lively composition.

Violin bows lift in enthusiastic
rendition while cymbals crash
with meaning.

Lower in the orchestral pit
tiny fingers play gingerly
on piano keys.

The aged conductor twists,
lifts and points his baton
to perfect the wind's symphony.

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Wintry Wind

by Me

The wind she howls,
her icy breath bites and
nips landscape's heels.

Trees huddle, their shaking
branches pointing long fingers
into the night.

Snow blows and lifts into
twirling images - ladies
dancing with their veils.

This night she knows no whispers.
This night she howls...

Sunday, January 30, 2011


by Me

Silly me a fool.
Buying your presentation.
Parts more than the whole.